COVID-19 : Real-time directives for FF.
Laurent Commission : And after?
COVID-19 : Real-time directives for FF.
Laurent Commission : And after?
FFARIQ's main mission is to look after Quebec's foster families.
You are interested in becoming a foster family, but you want to know more before committing yourself?
We are here to help!
You are a foster family in a region not represented by the FFARIQ, but don't know who to ask?
We are here to help!
You are a foster family from a region represented by the FFARIQ and have a problem, a question, a concern? We are here to help!
Contact us by filling out the following form. We will answer you as soon as possible.
8500, boulevard Henri-Bourassa, bureau 265
Québec (Québec) G1G 5X1
Entrance door #3 - 2nd floor
Open from Monday to Friday
Phone: 418-529-4734
Toll free: 1 866-529-5868
Fax: 418-529-0456
Toll free fax: 1 866-388-8860
1350 Royale Street, Suite 300
Trois-Rivières, QC, G9A 4J4